
Pray for Change

When I was growing up there were very few positive places for me to turn in small town America. When I turned on the television, I was faced with a barrage of hate by the likes of Anita Bryant, Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority. I could not understand how something I could not control would damn me to hell or how I could be born somehow a social pariah? It seemed and it was unfair. There were very few places for a kid like me to turn to. Even among my friends there was no one I could talk with because we would dare not tell each other in fear we were wrong about the other. To be wrong about another could have damaging consequences either way if they decided to out you.

I remember when the first person I knew died of AIDS. I remember how his family told everyone it was something else. They told everyone it was kidney failure. You could feel the shame from the lies they told. Everyone who were his friends knew the truth. He was the first we knew to die, but far from the last. Friends were there one day and then they were simply gone without reason or explanation. If their families were with them to the end, which was rare, there were always lies to hide the truth. He died of a brain tumor. He got pneumonia from the flu. The lies were sometimes necessary because at that time people were finding it hard to find places to bury their dead or somewhere to have them cremated which, usually ended up being the path of least resistance for a grieving family. These were the lucky ones. Many families just left them alone to die without anyone with them. These were the realities of the times we were living. A works where people could easily discard you for being gay. Discarded like the morning trash.

The immediate assumption of course was always that these men were promiscuous and somehow deserved Gods wrath upon them. The truth is I had friends who had one sexual experience and they contracted the virus. One experience and for some of them their lives were completely over and for others they are still living with that one decision they made decades ago today.

That was the world I grew up in. A world where being gay was a curse. A time when I was taught to hate myself. A time I was told I was somehow less than human or valuable. We were taught we were defectives. I had a drag queen friend who I went to high school with and I can remember him telling me, “Be quiet about yourself. You have a future and I am promising you the world we are living in will take it away if you come out at this time.” There was a lot of his truth in his words even though at the time I didn’t want to believe him. However, I did finally come out at 29 and I was so relieved and happy I did. By that time I was raising three kids as a single father and for that reason my coming out was very limited. I came out of the closet one very slow foot at the time. During that time, they could take your children away from you for being gay alone. I couldn’t take the chance.

I wanted so much more for this generation of gay men. I thought we were making strides to open more doors for them. But lately you can once again hear those hateful voices and threats. Once again politicians are using us as political pawns to gain votes as they strum up the hate. When will it ever end? When will the world finally come to point where it no longer crucifies its gay youth for the things they cannot control? When will the world finally understand there is nothing wrong or defective by those who love differently, identify differently than their hetero-norm counter parts?

But sadly, as I write this there are still people who are being imprisoned and put to death for being LGBTQ+. When will it end? I wish I could give you the answer. I do know I will not see it in my lifetime. Change happens much too slowly. There is always three steps forward and then two steps back. The fight is never going to be truly over. I will continue to fight for a better world as I long as I am breathing. I will also continue praying for the LGBTQ+ kid out there who would rather be dead than to let the world know who they truly are. Imagine death being your only option. It is heartbreaking and this is the result of the hate of some. They are even killing their own children with their hate. I pray for change.


The Beaver is Dead

I have been seeing this meme out there a lot the last few weeks on social media and I would like to know what in the hell people who are posting it think it means? Let’s talk about it.

I am scratching my head on this one because not all men are born masculine. Not all women are born feminine either. Innocence of the children is in the hands of the parents. So I am left trying to decide what does this mean?

This is just unrealistic because we have never lived in a world which resembled this. So how can we go back to it? I can prove that to you if you would like? Was Liberace masculine? Of course he wasn’t. Hmmm. What about Marlene Dietrich? Was she feminine? I think she clearly dressed in men’s suits. Wasn’t Sal Mineo in love with James Dean in Rebel? Oh you didn’t catch he was gay? He was and he was quite fem too. There are so many examples of this that literally hundreds of books have been written about it. LGBTQ+ is nothing new. We have always been here.

This idea isn’t something we can go back to because it never really existed. Oh yes, there were those who thought it should have existed, but it never truly did. We have always had men and women who were feminine and masculine. There have always been those who fall into different degrees of gender. This might blow your mind. There are gay men and women you would never guess their sexuality by their behavior at all. You can’t always tell how someone butters their bread by how they behave. (Thank you Steel Magnolias) Trust me when I tell you I have met some hyper masculine men who are super gay and hyper feminine women who are lesbian. And that is okay too. You know, I would rather deal with a person who is being their true self than someone who is not. And forcing people to behave in ways which are unnatural to them in order to make you feel uncomfortable is not only unacceptable but wrong.

I agree children should remain innocent. They should never learn about grabbing women by their private parts or raping women in department store dressing rooms like they have recently learned on the nightly news. Decency is defined by behavior and NOT how someone is gender defined. Straight ex Presidents are an obvious innocence killer it appears these days. Truth is it has nothing about him being a straight man and more about him being an asshole. His gender does not define his bad behavior.

This is a ridiculous meme which is trying to push people into boxes or marginalize them. This is not and never has been the world we live in. Statements like this are meant to hurt people that do not fit into the posters ideal boxes. What the poster is saying is, “If you are not like me then there is something wrong with you because back in my day there were only straight people and everyone knew their place.” This is of course ridiculous.

There have always been gay, trans, lesbian and bisexual people and many more types in this world. This is a statement meant to hurt because we, they, them don’t fit into their ideal world where everyone knows their place and behaves as if they were straight. We are not all straight and we are not going back into the closet because we might make you feel uncomfortable. You do not get to choose who we are and you do not get to enforce false identities upon us.

And as for your child’s innocence well that is up to you the parent to protect them and not me or anyone else in the world. That is up to you. But be very careful if you think that hiding them from LGBTQ+ people is going to keep them straight because that is how you end up with teen suicides and blood on your hands.

I am so tired of hateful people posting hateful things like this. The best thing you can do is worry about your own lives and if you were so damn worried about your child’s innocence maybe you would do something about the guns that kill them or the predominantly straight men that rape them. There is your real loss of innocence. Why not start there? I dare say those things are much more detrimental to a child than a drag queen reading them Clifford the Big Red Dog or Sharon from down the street buying a rainbow sweatshirt from Target. This is truly what the posters of this meme really want to say to you. They want to tell you how offended they are by drag queens and rainbow sweatshirts. But instead they are trying to hide their hate behind some fake f**king nostalgia which never existed. I know it is shocking that Norman Rockwell depictions of the US were a lie, but they were. Real families do not now or have ever looked like or behaved liked that. Ward and June Cleaver never existed and the Beaver is dead. Wake up Karen they never did exist. Seriously some people are way too much. Shame we can’t live in a world with no hate.

I know there are some who are saying to themselves that they will never read another book I write. That is okay because you might not get the chance because I am currently trying to get banned in Florida and several other states as well. Because you see I just cannot stand people like this who post things to hurt others under the guise of a non-existent nostalgia. My books are not meant for you because I promise you they will offend you and your hateful warped sense of reality.


Back in the USA

We landed in St. Louis last night. I am in the restroom and I hear an announcement about the proper way to bring your gun to the airport. Wait? I had to have my shoes, kindle, laptop and phone scanned through X-ray, but Bubba can still bring his gun. WTF? It was a surreal kind of moment. In Mexico where we live it would be no guns in the airport. Final.

Then I see they are pulling merch at Target because MAGA Pam can’t behave in the store because she is triggered by a rainbow sweatshirt. Well I find Pam offensive, but it doesn’t mean I am going to go on a rampage ripping up Targets ladies camo and yoga pants department. Here’s an idea. Arrest MAGA Pam if she can’t behave and vandalizes the store. It’s ridiculous.

Welcome back to the USA. We were glared at over dinner because we are a gay couple. Usually it’s old white women who glare and whisper. Or the younger white women who fear we want to steal thier husbands. Newsflash we do not now or ever want to steal MAGA Pam’s eagle tshirt wearing husband. They glare at us like our mere presence disturbs them. Like we are somehow disturbing their peace. I just glare back at them until they turn away and they always do.

In a very short time I was reminded why we moved from this country and I was homesick for Playa. Things have to change in the US. Turn on your news and it is a constant barrage of them wanting you to fear one thing or another OR hate your neighbor.

When you step out of the US for awhile and then step back into it again it is shocking to see the chaos that is now the United States. There is so much hate and craziness going on and these crazies are carrying guns 24/7.

Debt ceiling? Pay the bills like the country always have then decide on a budget. Ridiculous. This is not by any means an anti-US statement in fact it is the opposite. End of rant.


A Quick Thought About God

God is not going to condemn me for being gay. God made me gay. God makes no mistakes and to say otherwise is a sin. We were taught that God created all of us in his own image. Am I suppose to believe there was a fine print on this which said, “Not my Queer children?” No of course not, there was no such sub text.

God made it very clear that we were created in his image and we are loved no matter what and God makes no mistakes. So why do the hypocritical religious bigots always try to use God to attack us? Oh right they have a political agenda instead of a religious one. For anyone to say God made a mistake is blasphemous. I don’t know about you but I see the Glory in my gay creation. I hope you see it in yours as well.



I have always been a writer. Whether it was copy for broadcast or a play for myself. I have been writing for a very long time. I had somewhat of a public life before everything paranormal came along. I was a broadcaster and producer. I was an actor. I have spoken in front of thousands of people and I have broadcasted to millions around the world. I was a known entity even before meeting one paranormal person. I work by myself. If I do a show or a documentary it is because I wanted to take part in that particular project. I have been blessed with the ability to choose.

I have turned way more down than I ever agreed to. There are usually more good reasons to turn down a project than there are to agree to do one. My friend Carl who had quite an amazing career once told me to be picky and make sure I pick the right things for me. He told me not to be afraid to say no to the wrong ones. I am picky. I have not been over saturated because of being selective.

Out of everything I have done I have been proud of the work for the most part. I have been featured in the New York Post, Entertainment Weekly, Variety, The Times, The Sun, St Louis Magazine, St. Louis Post Dispatch and so many more publications around the world it’s hard to remember them all. I have played on televisions in living rooms around the world as well. Elliot and I were on the big Sony screen in Times Square one Halloween. We did a live show for Fox and they showed it on the screen. I have been on just about every major regular and cable network there is. I have worked with Warner Brothers and many more production companies. It would be impossible to name them all from memory.

I have been picky just like my friend Carl suggested I should be, but I have also been very lucky. I think some of my best work is still to come. Gorilla is going to bring in a whole new era for me. if I could give any of you advice it would be exactly what Carl gave to me. “Don’t be afraid to tell them no kid.” He was right. It’s smart advice. And never wait around for someone to do it for you. Go out and make it happen. And most important never do anything for the money. Do it for your love of whatever your art is. Money follows in time if you are doing what makes you happy.

I do what I do because I love it. It fulfills something inside me to create and communicate. It always has from a very young age. All of my teachers and professors would tell you the desire to communicate ideas has always been a driving force in who I am. I love what I do and I am grateful to have had the opportunities I have been given. In many different forms it all boils down to one thing for me- I am and always will be a storyteller. And that makes me happy. A storyteller. Yeah. That’s me.


The American Gay Dream

(I wrote this last year on this day. Not much has changed except the world around us. I think what I have to say here becomes even more important in a world where factions still feel entitled to attack families like ours. This past week Marjorie Taylor Greene attacked a LGBTQ parent during a congressional hearing. This should not ever be allowed, but it was. LGBTQ voices are trying to be silenced all across the US. The attacks are real. We are a family headed by two gay fathers and as you will see, we are the American dream. Right now this is the part of our story which is the most important to share. When they try to dehumanize us, we show them just how human we are.)

It is one of the moments in life you stand observing everything from the outside looking in. The view from here looking at our children could not be better.

Eliza the eternal mother is doing great raising those three beautiful girls with three very different personalities. Being a mother and teacher is a very difficult job which she makes look easy and we admire with amazement as she shows the world what being a great mother truly is. She is smart and resourceful in so many ways. The world would be a better place if she were running it and who knows someday she might in some way.

We have been watching our newly married Chemist / Writer Eli contemplating fatherhood and the huge responsibility it is going to entail. He never takes a life step lightly and it is always fascinating watching him figure his life out and map his future. Always overly analytical he makes us laugh as he confronts life’s absurdities. He is fiercely independent and bold.

Elliot is a Daddy for the second time while juggling running a successful business with his wife. I see myself in him the most when he is interacting with his babies. He is a good parent and in a way fatherhood has completed him and given back to him what his mother stole from him as a child. He seems complete for the first time in a very long time. It warms our hearts to see him finally happy.

Madeline and mother of Bean the dog is our rock climbing doctor of mathematics at Brown University in Rhode Island. Extremely smart and humble we are so proud of her. But don’t let that humbleness fool you because beneath it all is a sharp wit and brilliant sense of humor which always makes us giggle.

Mackenzie is running social media and numerous other duties at a large farm in Hartford Connecticut. She is a fiery free spirit who is bold and extremely fearless and brave. She is using her education to better the world for all of us and we admire each step she takes. She lives her life on her own terms and walks to her own drummer but at times you could swear it is an orchestra.

They are five very different and completely unique individuals who make us so incredibly proud every single day. Yeah, for this moment in time everything is aligned and is right in our world. You know it feels like an imaginary pause button has been pushed for a moment. Early in the morning we look at them and understand they are what this life is all about.

Very soon someone will unpause and everyone will be off to running in five directions but for this moment in the quiet we can look, take a breath and understand what an honor it is to be part of these five lives.

We love you five. We carry you in our hearts every single day. We are so proud of you all. Life is good and we continued very blessed to be part of your lives and adventures. The Gaydy Bunch is showing the world that good families come from all walks of life. We are the American Dream because of our diversity in the world and within. We are so proud. We love you so much.


A House

My house in St. Louis was sold five years ago today. This house meant a lot to me and we worked hard to update it for sale which gave us even more memories. Thank you my friend Kim of the Kim DeLapp team for finding this house for me and selling it for me when it was time to move on. Thank you Tina for helping me with its financing.

This is the house where I was living when I met Rick. This is the house I left to get married. This is the house we sold when we moved to Mexico. A house is not just a house. This is the last house I lived with my now grown son and father Elliot. This is the house we were living when Elliot met his wife Stevie. This house was very much a part of our lives.

This is the house where I sat on the front porch and decided to write my book Confrontation with Evil. This was the neighborhood of the Exorcist and this is where I wrote the book about it. Just down the street from the house was the hospital where it happened. Confrontation has the energy of the story in it because of where it was written.

Our homes hold our hearts and our memories. This house had a big heart. This house was a very important part of our lives. We will always hold a place for this house in our hearts and in our memories.


Protect Your Offline Relationships and Friendships

Social media kills real relationships between friends and family. I see people claiming to be the best of friends with people they have never met in person online. People online can pretend to be whoever they want. You ever heard the word catfish? I have seen so much of this type of thing out there. So what I am saying is don’t give up on friendships and relationships you know offline in person for the people you really don’t know online.

Another thing that is a huge red flag. If someone is friending all of your friend list this is something to worry about. Not everyone is meant to be friends with everyone else on your friends list and family. I get this a lot and I am constantly warning my close friends and family not to accept friend requests from people they do not know. Believe it or not this is another way a person you have never met before can try to ruin your friendships and relationships. In the past year, I have really gotten protective over my online life and I am protecting its impact from my personal relationships.

Just something for you to think about. I hope this helps you protect your “real” life from your online life and communication.


Research is Vital

I want to talk to you about the best way to research for a book. The key is to become so comfortable with the topic you can write it about without having the research in front of you. I learned this when I was a debater in college. The more you could discuss your topic without notes the better. This is not only the key to public speaking but writing as well. It allows you to write and speak on a topic with a flowing ease.

Of course, at times while writing you will want to quote certain sources. That is fine, but in order to really write successfully and comfortably write about a topic you are going to need to immerse yourself in everything about it. When I wrote Confrontation with Evil I had spent literal years learning about the exorcism and the events surrounding it. I knew I was going to make some very strong assertions in the book and because of that I knew I had better be prepared with knowledge. Only a small portion of this knowledge was use as example and quotable content in the book. However, there was a tremendous amount of knowledge I had to absorb which never made it into the book in quotable form but in the form of my personal education of the topics. Make sense? If you read Confrontation you will see it is a very well researched book. The book was able to go comfortably into areas no one else was comfortable to cover. Most of the other books just reiterated the diary without ever taking the time to question the diary or the story on a whole. There were a lot clues in the diary which told us much more about the events than anyone had ever covered before. The research is what made it possible to not only make the assertions but also to back them up with a truckload of fact. Research matters.

I am finishing up the special edition of Blessed. I am also writing Odyssey. However, at the same time I am also doing a lot of research and education on the topics which be the heart of Gorilla. Gorilla is going to be quite the book. It is going to be frightening on many levels and I have it feeling it will stick with the reader long after they finish it. Much like how readers have told me that my book Crazy: A Prayer for the Dead has stuck with them. The research over the past few years into Gorilla has been insane. You will eventually understand this when you read the book when it is released.


God Makes No Mistakes

I am watching as another generation of LGBTQ kids are growing up with talking heads on their televisions telling them on a daily basis they are somehow evil or less than their straight counterparts. We understand this as older gay adults. We know how it feels and we also knows the damage it causes. We have been right where they are now.

My generation grew up with Anita Bryant and Jerry Falwell to name just a few of the hateful talking heads who would come onto the nightly news to say we were evil and somehow God had sent a scourge onto this earth to wipe us out. We know how it feels when you are told on a daily basis there is something wrong with you or somehow inexplicably you are evil by simply your mere existence. We know what damage it can cause because we have seen and experienced it all firsthand.

Now we see it happening once again to another generation. We understand the damage and the hurt that is being done to our young once again by hateful talking heads using God as an excuse to hate in order to use people as political pawns. You see hate gains votes for them and that is truly what matters to them. They could care less that LGBTQ teen suicides are once again on the rise. They could care less about the rise in LGBTQ hate crimes. They could care less because the hate and the violence they are drumming up against the LGBTQ community is exactly what they want.

I want to remind you that hate = votes for them but in return silence = death for us and we will not be silenced. Our young need to hear us now more than ever before. There is a LGBTQ kid out there right now who is holding on by a thread and all they need to hear is it will be okay. They need to hear that we have their back and we will fight to protect them and the right to be who they fundamentally are as a person. We have to drown out the political and religious fanaticism hate with hope. This fight is far from over.

I am not trans and I do not even pretend to understand it completely. But I am a gay man who knows, without question, what is done to the Trans community is a stepping stone to what they are going to do to the rest of us in the LGBTQ community as a whole. This is not just one of the letters being attacked this is the whole damn alphabet being attacked. This is all of us. If one of us is attacked we are all attacked.

I promise you there is someone out there right now who I struggling with their identity. There is someone who needs us to let them know they are okay and we love them for who they are. God makes no mistakes. We all belong and no one should be allowed to judge or condemn another person for who they are.


Taking Responsibility

It is about how to heal and also very much about my acceptance of personal responsibility within my own life, situation and also haunting.

There is a big difference between seeking sympathy versus seeking understanding. When I decided to tell my story I knew it was very important to include all aspects of it because it was important to the understanding of what and how it happened. Sympathy seeking is not in my DNA. I simply do not seek or need it.

Whatever you do someone will find something to criticize about it. So I just did what I knew was the appropriate thing to do and tell it all. To understand the haunting you had to understand everything around it and leading up to it. You are going to see even more clearly why this was important when I release the special edition of Blessed are the Wicked with the Church report and analysis. When you are dealing with a haunting like this every aspect of someones life plays an important role in it. The books have described this fairly well and this is an analysis that the Church believes as well.

That is why there are things in the books which may not seem part of a supernatural book at all.The truth is these things that are actually the most important aspect of a true supernatural event. These are the things that open doors and let the monsters out to step in. I think that is important for all of us to keep this in mind during our everyday lives. If more people understand this then maybe it could help a lot more people, not just those who may be going through a supernatural type experience.

You want to do a supernatural film or television show? Then this is the message which is truly needed out there. How individual participation and acceptance of an event is directly linked to their attitude and their response to the world around them. It matters. You can help someone going through a difficult time in any situation, but unless they can accept their participation, reactions, actions and behavior in the situation it will never be truly over for them. This is really the message of my book, Blessed are the Wicked. It is about how to heal and also very much about my acceptance of personal responsibility within my own life, situation and also haunting. I think it was an important story to tell because everything about a haunting is not about being spooky. There are way more emotions, thoughts and feelings at play within the haunting than just the fear. A haunting comes with a whole package of things and unless you know the correct way to unpack it I promise you that you will end up drowning in it. I am speaking from experience.

Blessings to you all,



Make a Wish

Our house is paid for. We have money in the bank and plenty of food for us to eat. We are clothed. We are safe. We are able to travel around the world wherever we want to go. We need nothing more in our life. So what do we have on our Christmas list this year?

Peace would be a good starter. There are too many hungry children in the world. If hunger could be abolished that would be great and while you are at it could you house the homeless? We still have people dying from all sorts of disease. We could use some cures here. It seems there are a lot of people walking through this life with hate in thier hearts. It would be nice if for just a moment they could see it is better to love their neighbor than to hate them. Please take care of those who are sad this season for whatever reason. Give someone considering suicide one more day to understand life is worth everything and not all is lost. So many things to wish for. The world needs so many things.

One last wish if you don’t mind. Our wish is that you find peace and happiness in your lives. May you be blessed just as much or more in your life than what we have experienced in ours. That would be a good place to start.

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you all. We love you all.


The Respect for Marriage Act

The Respect for Marriage Act would enshrine marriage equality into federal law and was negotiated among a bipartisan group of senators.

In a few very short weeks Rick and I will be celebrating our fifth anniversary. We have been together for almost eight years. Hard to believe.

Tomorrow the US Senate will vote on the The Respect for Marriage Act. This would enshrine marriage equality into federal law and was negotiated among a bipartisan group of senators. This appears as it will pass both the Senate and the final vote in the House with bi-partisan support.

This will be one of the best Anniversary presents Rick and I could ask or could hope for. It is difficult to put into words the worry caused to all of us over the hateful and cruel threats of our marriages being dissolved by a vote or judicial decision. This not only is something which worried both of us as a couple, but our family as well. This vote could end a battle in our quest for equality but the war is far from over in the US and around the world. Equality is for everyone not for just one person or group. But just maybe for a moment we can pause, take a deep cleansing breath and then roll up our sleeves and get back to the fight.

The vote in the Senate is scheduled for tomorrow.


Welcome: Some Thoughts…

Welcome to my world of thoughts and ideas. 

Why blog?

Well, I am writing all of the time even when I am or I am not writing a book. I have all of this content laying about with no where to go. It seemed to me the time was right to sit down and start pulling all of these ideas together. This is going to be different than my books because it is going to cover whatever is on my mind at any given moment. For those who are fans of my books, I think this will give you a chance to get to know me a little better and hopefully maybe we can learn something together in the process. Please subscribe and participate if you like.

Welcome to my world of thoughts and ideas.

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”

— Virginia Woolf

People of the Page

Has Anne Rice use to open up her postings use to say, “Hello people of the page.” The world is a duller place without Anne for sure. Don’t you agree? I got the opportunity to interview her once. It was something I will always cherish.

We have a lot of new people following my page here and I wanted to take a moment to address what this page actually is. This is my personal page where I share with my family, friends and anyone who might care to listen. It is not that is doesn’t deal with my work, but it doesn’t deal with my work only. My author page does that more so than this one. This page has more of a potpourri flavor to it. Here you will get my personal thoughts on just about everything. Here I share different things going on in my life. This page is me sharing my thoughts and feelings on just about everything you can imagine just in the way you do on your personal pages. It is not scripted or meant as promotion. It is just me sharing my ideas and life with you.

I think it is funny when people ask things like, “Why did you post a recipe you made last night? I want to hear about the supernatural.” Well if you stick around long enough you might learn to cook some new things and get some creepy stories somewhere in the mix of it all. lol I am a human. The supernatural is only a part of my life. You will also find I am a husband, father, grandfather, mentor, friend with so much more to offer and share than just the spooky stuff.

So welcome to everyone new and thank you to those who have stayed with me through the years. I like coming here and talking with you. Some of you came here because of the books, shows and film. My hope is I have given you a lot more of who I am than just those things. For better or worse. lol This is who I am. Blessing to you all.

My Written Voice

When I wrote my first books. I wasn’t thinking about writing horror books. My intent was first to tell my story, which in my mind had supernatural elements but I never considered my life story to be considered horror books. Last thing anyone wants is for their life to be considered a horror. lol But here we are even though it was not the intent.

All of my books are autobiographical in a sense. Part of me and my life is in all of them. The Uninvited and Blessed are literal autobiographies.

Crazy has a lot of autobiographical moments in it. I need to do a video discussing Crazy. I think readers would find it interesting to know the reasoning and the true stories behind the book. Crazy is a different book in how I told it but it still was very much in my voice and from my personal experience and research.

Confrontation with Evil starts with true experiences from my life and ends with my research into the case. It also tells the story of the possessed boy and what I experienced during the research into it. I think what worked so well in this book is I am telling you my thoughts and sharing research with you as I explain what happened to the boy. I find it interesting that up until Confrontation was released most authors just wanted to regurgitate the same story without ever really looking into it and researching the causes and impacts on this boys life and how it relates to us as humans, in spirit and religion.

My book Odyssey is going to be a completely autobiographical travel adventure. I am finding I have a whole to say and share in this book that it is even surprising me more and more as I write it. It’s going to be a different kind of book than what you usually expect from me. But keep in mind, the supernatural is part of my everyday life so it will have it’s fair share of those moments as well.

Gorilla is going to be interesting. The center section of this book will have a character completely based on personal experiences in my life. A very difficult time actually. It will be sandwiched between two sections which are taken from true stories and in some cases off front page headlines. This one is going to be one scary book.

Zombie Road will also have personal experiences reflected in it with so much more. Just wait until you see the story I have to tell about this very real place in the woods.

My hope is one day people will be able to look back at my body of work and see my voice and character was always central in everything I did. My books are really me trying to share my view of the world. It wasn’t my intent in the beginning but I think it is how the body of work should be looked at in the future. Doesn’t seem like that is going to change anytime soon. I have so many stories and experiences to still share with whomever cares to read them. I hope you continue to like them as much as I like telling them to you